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Sunday, June 15, 2008

17 Months Old: Rotavirus Nightmare

At 17 months our youngest son got rotavirus. Rotavirus is bad at anytime with any child, however it becomes a "nightmare" when you have a child who already suffers from gastrointestinal problems and struggles to gain weight. He was sick with vomiting, diarrhea, and very lethargic for about 4 days before I took him to the doctor. She suggested I take him to the ER for a few hours of IV fluids. This turned into 2 days of admitting to the hospital where rotavirus in his stool was confirmed. This was such a challenge as he was still breastfeeding, so the hospital had to feed me with my limited breastfeeding diet (free of peanuts/walnuts, shellfish, milk, wheat/gluten, soy, corn, tomato). Needless to say they struggled to feed me and basically just brought me salads and fresh fruits. I was starving & exhausted by the time we left. Sadly, our son lost two pounds through this experience. Two pounds that he didn’t have to lose. This was a devastating blow to have a child who had already suffered so much to go through the rotavirus experience.


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